Flying Above the Pandemic

Daily photo blog, reviews, photography tips, gear buying guides, and more.

Established in June of 2010, Edison is a blog focusing on the world of photography. We partner with some of the best vendors in the photography space to provide you with informative gear, tools, and other products you might need to succeed. If you like our content, don’t forget to subscribe at the bottom of the page.

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Ferry flight to DRC- last leg to Kinshasa

As we started to hit bad weather we couldn’t help but have the chat of where would be the hardest place to have an emergency landing- jungle or sea or ice cap or the desert Looking down at this massive dense jungle we thought – desert:) The Democratic of Congo – formerly Zaire – is…

Ferry Flight to DRC- Cape Verde

We had the opportunity to see and read up a bit about Cape Verde today These islands were uninhabited until the 15th century when they were discovered and colonized by Portuguese explorers. Cape Verde established the first European settlement in the tropics. Because of where these islands are situated – they became instrumental and the…


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